Creating Real Magic Spells

Have you ever made a wish on a few birthday candles, tossed a lucky coin into a fountain or scribbled your sweetheart's name on a piece of paper? If so, you've already begun casting magic spells. Furthermore, you're not alone. While these activities may seem trivial, they all play a role in the venerable art of witchcraft.

For centuries, people have explored the magic behind them through many possible manifestations. It is important to note that magic should not be equated with sorcery, whose primary purpose is entertainment, not spiritual development.

Magic Spells consist of words recited in a specific order and with magical intent in their most basic form. When recited correctly and often accompanied by appropriate movements, it is believed to release supernatural powers. Some cultures believe that improper recitation negates the magic and even results in the death of the user if performed incorrectly.

The language of spells is sometimes archaic, and the reciter may not understand what is being said. However, most of the magical language used in the enumeration is clearly and directly related to the purpose of the presentation. It represents and anticipates technical achievement as an analogy, and metaphor and parable are freely used in a symbolic representation. Because of their historical importance, some seemingly insignificant but known phrases are considered effective in certain situations. For example, a Maori magic formula that imparts speed and grace to a canoe speaks of a bird in flight and its speed compared to the lightness of a seagull. They also use onomatopoeic effects such as the sounds of speed and the sound of the sea.

The Power of Intention in Magic Spells

The effectiveness of blessings and curses, both of which are verbal expressions, is thought to be related to the magical power of the words themselves or the sacred power of a supernatural being, which is why they are recited in the same way.

Specific actions and expressions may be associated with the blessing, such as laying hands on the head of the person to receive the blessing. Cursing, the intention to cause pain or misfortune, is usually directed at another person. In the case of oaths, contracts and agreements, the most basic type of curse is conditionally directed at oneself. But what happens if one does not keep one's word or tell the truth when it is due?

The curse formula can be sung, chanted, or spoken aloud. In religious ceremonies or prayers, an incantation or conjuration may be performed as part of the ceremony. The practice of witchcraft is practiced in the world of magic by wizards, witches and fairies.

Magick is Evident From Long Ago!

In medieval literature, folklore, fairy tales and contemporary fantasy literature, incantations are often referred to as charms or spells. In the late 14th century, the English language adopted the term “incantation” from Old French; the closest English term was “galdr,” meaning “song, spell.” As a result, people who use incantations are called “enchanters” or “enchantresses.” The diminished meaning of “delight” (see the similar evolution of “charm”) is a very recent development and was first recorded in 1593. (OED).

The survival of written records of historical spells has dramatically diminished in many cultures due to the emergence of the major monotheistic religions (Islam, Judaism, and Christianity), which view certain magical practices as unethical or, in some cases, related to evil.

Creating Real Magic Spells

Magic spells are Divided into Two Phases

The basic principles that distinguish the different types of spells are the generation of the power required and then, of course, the concentrated and focussed release of this power!

The most effective spells are those that are created for a specific purpose. In other words: Your pursuit of a magical manifestation must be motivated by a strong desire or request. Your magic may be triggered by a specific event (such as a favorable professional opportunity) or by an abstract concept (such as your new interest in spell crafting). Nevertheless, you should avoid the craft if you are under severe emotional stress. The result of your manifestations will always reflect your state of mind at the time of creation: If you feed your spell with hectic, expect inconsistent results. Concentration, intelligence, and empathy are required to channel magical energy in a way that produces beneficial and meaningful results.

How Do You Get Started Writing Magic Spells?

Buy Witchcraft SuppliesAlthough creating your first spell can be daunting, don't be afraid to jump into the practice. Since only one magic target is required, any item can be charged with energy through magic. Thankfully, you will not need to invest a lot of money in “healing crystals” to perform successful incantations. A mixture of strong spices that can be used in oils, potions, and infusions, sugar, cinnamon, black pepper and cayenne pepper are just some of the possibilities. A witch or wizard can turn your cooking pots into boiling cauldrons. It is possible to turn almost any candle into a magical instrument (although the Yankee “Bahama Breeze” candle may not be your first choice).

One of the most important things to understand about re-transforming items is that they remain so indefinitely once they are deemed magical. If you are brewing potions, a wine glass cannot be used to entertain guests and brew potions at the same time (unless entertaining guests is part of your spell). Tool care is essential, so keep control of your magical equipment at all times.

Key Magic Fundamentals to Understand

When selecting an area to perform your magic spell, remember that physical thresholds also act as cosmic bridges. Openings such as doors, windowsills, and cracks in the floor can be turned into magical portals that indicate the liminal realm between realms. These are good places to cast spells or direct your spells. Also, chanting your spell at the intersection of day and night (dawn or dusk) and the seasonal equinoxes can increase the effectiveness of your spell. However you choose to create your magic, always be sure to close the doors you open by indicating the spell's completion. This spell finality can be done through a formal ceremony or simply saying “goodbye”.

Remember The Wiccan Rede – Harm None and The Rule of 3 Creating Magic spells

As for casting spells, the only proper guideline is that you should never cast a spell out of malice or harm yourself or others. According to the rule of 3×3, which is a karmic principle of magic, any energy you direct will return to you with three times the power you initially produced. If you don't know whether or not to cast a particular spell, don't. Your magical intentions govern your mind, so constantly nourish your interests with love and compassion so that they remain radiant.

Now that you have indeed a better understanding of how to create your own magical spells, here's a little inspiration from our ancestors and grandmothers! These are the seven most commonly used magical spells of the Middle Ages!

Heal the Sick

It was read to sick people, according to the preacher John Bromyard, who reports that St. Mary glamoured her son [Jesus] against the bites of elves and men, binding bone with bone, blood with blood, and joints with joints so that the Holy Spirit would heal the child. Bromyard did not state the purpose of these spells, although later versions reported them as effective in treating sprains.

Winning by Wishing Yourself Success and Good Fortune

People often turn to magic in an uncertain environment to find their happiness. According to Robert Rypon, a monk who lived around 1400, “when someone finds a horseshoe or an iron key, he says, like the average person, ‘Today will be fine for me,'” he mused.

Menstrual bleeding at the beginning of the cycle

A 15th-century medical cookbook gave women directions on mitigating the effects of their periods with a string of (seemingly meaningless) letters. “Write these signs and put them around your neck,” What followed was pretty much jibberish and resembled a modern-day PC suggested password more than anything else!

A Competent Witch Can Summon Demons

According to a German magic book from the 15th century, on Thursday or Saturday, you should walk outside the city, draw a circle with a sword, write it in characters and repeat a series of names (perhaps demons) 12 times, starting with “Oymelor, Demefin, Lamar, Masair……”. Irrevocably plead the demons to come to you.

Eliminate an Enemy by Force

In 1490, Joanna Bene was brought before the ecclesiastical court in London, where she was convicted of adultery: “Her ambition was to measure the size of a man, and then to make a wax candle of that size, which she would place before an image of him (in the church). And just as light is consumed, the light will also consume the man's life.

Predicting What Will Happen in the Future

Many people believed that they could see an image of the future by staring at a sword or other shiny surface. They could also use a bowl of water or a fingernail coated with oil. It was even more potent if a virgin child went out and looked for the images themselves.

Magic is a powerful, unique and – perhaps most importantly – enjoyable experience. The more you practice, not surprisingly, the better you get, of course! Here is another great article worth a read that discusses How To Make A Magic Wand – a great help in further personalization of your magick!

Also, remember that your chances of success in creating and casting real magic spells are greater the better you can control your emotions and use the true purpose of your magic!


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