How To Protect Your Valuables During A Burglary. Locksmiths in Blackpool have recently produced a series of articles about home security and what you can do to keep burglars out of your home. Please read them here. As we previously stated, an industrious thief will always find a way into a home. Consequently, here’s what you can do to minimise the harm caused by a determined burglar:

Purchase a Safe

How To Protect Your Valuables During A BurglaryBreaking and entering using his trusty toolset, a burglar has gained entry into your home. In other words, he can shatter a window, and he might be able to pick a lock, but will he be able to get entry to a safe? No, we don’t believe so!

A safe is an excellent way to keep expensive objects such as jewellery, significant sums of cash, and other critical documents safe. If you’re thinking about purchasing a safe, consider where you’ll put it first. If you acquire a tiny safe, consider putting it somewhere secure and hidden; otherwise, the thief may simply run away with your safe and all of your belongings inside.

Make sure you hide the little safe in a difficult-to-find spot or that it is difficult to access. If it is possible, a second option would be to conceal your safe beneath your floor.

If you have a large number of valuables to protect and the financial means to do so, you may want to consider investing in a heavy-duty safe. These safes are significantly larger and heavier than standard safes, and they are frequently packed with concrete. A heavy-duty safe can be purchased for around £500, with the price increasing in accordance with the weight and level of security.

Think About Hiding Places

Think About Hiding PlacesIn the event that you don’t have access to a safe, you may want to establish a secure and hidden location in which you may keep your valuables, such as cash and jewellery. Some of these locations are listed below.

Cash and jewellery should be kept in decoy containers.

Consider wrapped in plastic and aluminium foil, and placing at the back of the fridge or freezer.

Hide items in the pocket of a particular shirt or jacket in your wardrobe.

Hide cash in a folder labelled “random” in your filing cabinet or in an envelope that has been attached to the back of a photo or decor on your wall.

Install An Alarm

Home or office security

One of the most effective strategies to deter a thief from entering your home is to install and operate an alarm system. A complete alarm system, including a bell box, motion sensors, and a control panel that is activated every time you leave the property and at night when you are sleeping is available. A loud ringing of the alarm bell will deter any burglar who has brought his actions to the attention of the entire neighbourhood.

Modern alarm systems can include CCTV, recording sharp images of any burglars which may help you to recover goods stolen. Many can also be conveniently operated from your smartphone, thus increasing your security. A visible alarm system will also help to deter would-be opportunistic burglars who will instead opt for easier-pickings down the street!

The majority of home burglaries will have involved some kind of surveillance by the miscreant first.


Get Insured!

Insurance policyMake sure you have adequate insurance coverage in the event that the worst should occur, and let’s suppose, in theory, your home is broken into, and the burglar does damage to your property before stealing some of your most valuable and treasured possessions. Although it is a dreadful notion, you may not be able to recover your sentimental objects, but you may be able to recover the monetary value of them through your insurance policy.

Keep in mind that this is subject to change depending on your home insurance coverage and the way in which your home was broken into. It is possible that you will not be eligible if, for example, you leave your front door unlocked and a burglar walks in. However, if your door was fitted with a British Standard lock and this was engaged, and the burglar was able to circumvent the lock and gain entry, you may be eligible for compensation.

The next challenge would be demonstrating what possessions you possessed. Keeping all receipts, proof of ownership documentation, and photographs are just a few of the things you may do to strengthen your case. These objects can be utilised as evidence to support your claim and to strengthen your argument.

Security Marking

Engraving a valuable itemIf your possessions are stolen, there is a way to boost the likelihood that you will be able to reclaim your property in the future. It entails labelling your belongings and registering them on websites such as, among other places. You have a variety of options for marking your objects, including etching, engraving, chemical DNA marking, and using a UV pen. This implies that if the item is ever stolen and recovered by the police, there is a considerably greater likelihood that the authorities will be able to identify you and return the item to its original owner.


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