Catnip Plant Cuttings

Growing Your Own Catnip Indoors

Catnip Plant Cuttings. Catnip, or cat mint, is known to botanists as nepeta cataria. The herb is known to most felines as spellbinding, to which any catnip growing enthusiast will quickly attest.

This eurasian native has become naturalized throughout most of the world, and is a hardy perennial in usda planting zones 6 through 10. In cooler regions, nepeta can be brought indoors to over-winter. Use clean, sharp scissors to cut your catnip plant back as soon as it’s through flowering for the year. If you’re located in a temperate region, there’s nothing further you need to do to winterize this plant.

Your biggest hurdle to growing catnip indoors might not be low light levels, cold air, or lack of consistent watering. It might be your cat. Catnip , a perennial favorite of all things feline, is a relative of the mint and lemon balm, which means it’s not a hard plant to grow indoors.
outdoors, it’s known to spread easily, growing into jumbled patches that attract cats from miles around. Indoors, it can be successfully grown on a sunny windowsill, providing you give it enough water and remember to pinch out the flowers to encourage leaf growth. You can start pinching off leaves as soon as the plant hits about 6 to 8 inches in height; your cat will appreciate it.

Catnip Plant Cuttings

How to Grow and Take Care of Catnip

Catnip is a perennial that generally grows to 2 to 3 feet when planted outdoors. Indoors, providing you give it enough light and water, it’s conceivable you’ll get a 2 foot plant, but in reality, indoor catnip doesn’t have the potency of outdoor catnip and it seems more reasonable to grow plants for a single growing season, then replace them either through sowing new seeds or cuttings.
If you do want to repot a smaller catnip, go up one pot size and use fresh soil, being careful not to damage the roots.

Catnip (nepeta cataria) is a type of catmint and is arguably the best-known species in the nepeta genus, at least among home gardeners. It’s not the only type of catmint that makes cats loopy, but it’s your best bet if that’s your goal. Catnip has similar growing and care needs to other catmint plants and matures at 2 to 4 feet tall and 2 to 3 feet wide. It blooms from may to september and has white flowers spotted with pale purple. Catnip is relatively cold-hardy and grows well in zones 3 to 9.

Catnip is not an especially difficult plant to grow indoors. It thrives on sunny ledges, with ample and regular water, and good drainage. If your plant goes into flower, snip off the flower buds to encourage stronger and better leaf growth. Indoor catnip will not have the same potency as outdoor catnip, but your cats will still like it plenty. Be careful not to mist your plant too much to discourage mold growth. Catnip is vulnerable to pests including aphids , mealybugs , scale, and whitefly. If possible, identify the infestation as early as possible and treat it with the least toxic option.

How to Grow Catmint from Cuttings

18. How to grow catnip from seeds. Follow along with this handy how to grow catnip from seeds guide and give your cats some fun! plant spacing: grow 45 cm 18 inches apart. Full sun. Repotting. How to grow catnip from cuttings. Difficulty easy. Catnip will grow in just about any soil, but sandier soil tends to yield more aromatic plants. Growing catnip plants: catnip can be grown in garden beds or pots. 2-4′ x 2-4′. Outside, catnip will resow itself readily. Water frequently after first planting. Catmint has a long history, with one of the first one being documented in the roman town of nepeti. Deters pests. Mint, agastache, echinacea and potatoes. Plant in a spot your cat has access to, such as in a cat enclosure.


Growing catnip.  catnip is a generic term referring to 250 different types of minty plants. Use catnip to help colicky babies, and many adults use it to ease upset stomachs, too. Posted on mar 30, 2015 catnip can grow in many types of soil. Some cats like catnip so much that they lie on it, roll on it, and chew it to the point of destruction. Also going by nepeta cataria, catswort, or catmint, the catnip plant is a perennial herb with a close relation to the mint family. What is the best way to use catnip as an insect repellent? pruning: cut catnip back to the ground in spring to improve its growth and appearance. Quick tip training to use a scratching post.

How to Propagate Catnip

Catnip propagates easily from both leaf-tip cuttings and seeds. To take a cutting, simply remove a small piece of new growth early in the growing season and pot it up a new pot of sterile potting soil. give it plenty of moisture and filtered light until new growth emerges. Catnip is also a common herb sold in garden centers, so you can always buy new seedlings and put them in larger pots until it’s time to discard the plant.

Apart from seeds, you can propagate the catnip herb via stems tip cuttings during spring and summer.
use 3-4 inch long cuttings of stems. Remove all the leaves except the top two or four. To encourage branching, pinch the cutting at the tip. Dip the end in rooting powder hormone and place in a rooting medium. Keep the soil and cuttings moist. Monitor them for a week or two. Cuttings take around 5 days begin to show roots in the soil.

How To Root Catnip Cuttings  Can You Grow Catnip From Cuttings

Catnip is such a versatile plant that it is drought resistant. Grow the plant in spring or early summer. You may plant it directly in the sun or in a partially shaded area. It thrives most in alkaline soil, or soil with a ph level over seven, but in general it manages in poor soil. This said, if you have a heavy, clay soil, add limestone to it to increase its alkalinity. To plant, dig a hole that is just as deep as the plant container is wide. Make sure the hole is twice as wide or more, however. Next, simply take the plant from its container, put the plant roots in the hole and refill it with soil.

Light: catnip is not particularly picky about its light outdoors, but indoors try to give it as much direct light as possible, even up to five hours a day of strong sunlight on a bright windowsill. Too little light will cause leggy growth. Water: catnip likes a steady supply of water, but good drainage is a must. The plant recovers quickly from wilting, so it’s best to err on the side of dry rather than too wet, which will encourage root rot.

While cat grasses are fast-growing and tasty if you’re a cat, they are annuals, which means you need to re-sow seeds to keep them continuously growing. Catmint nepeta mussinii and catnip nepeta cataria are herbaceous perennials, meaning that they will die back to the roots in the winter, but resprout from the same root system in the spring. They also both contain an organic compound called nepetalactone, which is known to attract felines.

Cut catnip

Growing Catnip from Cuttings

Cats are gaga over catnip, and it’s probably not the pretty foliage that attracts them. But it is the pretty, heart-shaped leaves growing in an open mound about 3 feet 1 m.  tall that gardeners enjoy. Catnip plants also produce blue flowers throughout the season. This makes catnip a truly ornamental plant to have around. If you or your cat insist on getting more plants than you have, it’s quite easy to grow new catnip from cuttings.

Growing catnip from cuttings is a quick way to multiply it during the growing season. Cut 4 to 6 inches long stems below the leaf node and plant them in rich and moist potting soil. If you like, dip cut ends in a rooting hormone to improve the success rate.

How to Root Catnip Cuttings

If your cat loves the herb catnip , it’s no big surprise. Nearly all felines love the hardy perennial. But you may soon find yourself needing more catnip plants than you have. Don’t worry. It is easy to grow more catnip from cuttings. If you want to know how to root catnip cuttings, read on for info and tips.

Catnip cutting propagation is as easy as it gets in the perennial world. You can start rooting catnip cuttings in water or soil. If you have never tried propagating a plant from cuttings , catnip is a great place to start. It propagates easily from leaf-tip cuttings. Snip off the tips of new growth in spring or early summer, making each cut on a slant just below a leaf node. Keep the clippings cool to use as cuttings.

Catnip Propagation Methods  Tips For Growing New Catnip Herb Plants

Catnip is a 50 100 cm tall herb resembling mint in appearance, with greyish-green leaves; the flowers are white, finely spotted with purple. It is the nepetalcataria variety that most cats enjoy. The essential oils contained keep mosquitoes at a distance, as they feel repelled by the smell. Plant catnip in a place where your cats can rub and roll in it without hurting adjacent plants. Native to europe, africa and asia and brought to north america by settlers, catnip is a weed type of plant, similar to mint in many aspects and which contains a lot of acids, tannins, sterols and volatile oils. Once this process is complete, you can crumble them up.

About Catnip Herb Plants

Catnip is what is known as a herbaceous, perennial plant grown in north america. In other words, it is a plant that lives more than two years and has stems and leaves that die or fall down to soil level at the end of growing season. It can reach a size of about 3×3 feet, producing small white flowers from stems that are largely square, resembling many plants in the mint and weed families. Catnip is considered an invasive plant. Nepata mussinnii in particular is known for its spreading, and makes great groundcover. Catnip is not just pleasing to cats, as it effuses a pleasant fragrance to the human nose, too.

So you are interested in growing catnip an easy to grow hardy perennial herb?
it is commonly known as the catnip plant nepeta cataria and it is one of the top mosquito repellant plants and member of the mint family. Cats find its scent addictive so if you grow catnip in your herb garden, expect many cats in your neighborhood to stay play around this plant. Its pungent fragrance highly excites and attracts cats. Another nepata commonly known as catmint , nepata mussinnii, does not generally appeal to cats.

Does kitty love her catnip toys? well then, perhaps you should grow your own catnip herb plants. Don’t know how to propagate catnip? growing new catnip is easy. Read on to find out about catnip propagation.

Growing Catnip Learn How To Care For Catnip Plants

When you are growing catnip indoors, you don’t have to worry much about catnip plant care in cold weather. Keep it in a warm spot in the night. During the day, move it back on a window that receives some direct sunlight. Always make sure that the plant is not touching the windowpane to avoid cold injury. Also, reduce watering and don’t fertilize in winter. Additionally, you can mulch the topsoil with straws or shredded cardboard. If you’re exposing it to outdoor conditions, cover the pot by bubble wrap or plastic sheet for extra protection. Making a mini indoor greenhouse for catnip and other herbs is also a great way to keep these plants growing. We’ve some diys here.

Watering: water catnip just as the soil dries out. Catnip can tolerate dry soil. Feeding: scratch ½ inch of compost into the top few inches of soil before planting catnip and side-dress plants with aged compost every spring. You can also feed catnip compost tea during the growing season. Care: cut catnip back to 3 to 4 inches above the ground after flowering it will grow back within a couple of weeks and begin a new flowering cycle. Plants can become scraggly if not trimmed back.

Tips For Growing Catnip – Caring For The Nepeta Plant

The fresh catnip is toward the front of the cat garden and to the left. It is a member of the mint family and while my cats liked to smell it occasionally, they mostly left it alone. However, all of that lovely smelling catnip didn’t and won’t go to waste.

Catmint is not as intoxicating to cats as catnip, but they love it just the same, and it repels aphids ! catmint is hardy in usda zones 4-8. Catnip nepeta cataria are very easy to grow and care for plants that are somewhat less ornamental than catmint. Catnip plants grow to 3 feet tall, with a spread of 1½ to 2 feet. In the summer and early fall, they produce 3 to4 ins spikes of tiny white flowers spotted with pale purple.

Plant catnip in spring, once all chances of frost have passed. You’ll want to plant it in an area where your cats can roll in it without damaging neighboring plants. Space catnip plants 18 to 24 inches apart in a very sunny area with fertile, well-drained soil. Give your native soil some nutrient love by mixing in several inches of aged compost or other rich organic matter. Check soil often and water when the top inch of soil becomes dry.

The post Catnip Plant Cuttings appeared first on Catnip Utopia.

The post Catnip Plant Cuttings appeared first on GQ Central.



2 Responses

  1. This blog post offers a fascinating insight into growing catnip, a plant that seems to exist at the intersection of gardening joy and feline fascination. Reflecting on your detailed sections about propagation and care, I can’t help but recall my own experience with catnip during a particularly tumultuous time in my life. There’s something almost therapeutic about tending to plants, and catnip brings an added layer of joy when you witness your cat’s playful glee.

    • It’s really interesting to hear how your experience with catnip intertwined with a challenging time in your life. Gardening does have this unique way of grounding us, doesn’t it? There’s something almost meditative about the rhythm of tending to plants; it can help clear the mind while keeping your hands busy. And when you add a cat into the mix, with all their quirky antics and uninhibited joy over something as simple as a sprig of catnip, it becomes a whole different experience.

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